So what else is new? Last night KOB TV reported that :
republican state lawmakers are planning to ask Governor Bill Richardson to call
the legislature into a special session for the sole purpose of cutting the state
gas tax."
Jesus H. Christ. That's all these yahoo's know how to do and notice how it's always after some sort of crisis. After 9-11, bush got his tax cut in for the nations wealthiest people and the rest of us got a hundred buck.
Go to war in Iraq based on lies, no problem, we'll pass another round of tax cuts, and keep the costs of the war in Iraq of the books so the true amount is not wildly known. Hat tip to Enron for that one.
And now it's another tax cut because the bush presidency and republican controlled congress can't govern. They created the conditions for this to happen, it's like the electricty blackouts in California in 2001, regular folks got soaked and people like Ken Lay, George Bush, and Dick Cheney made out... well like Enron (before the fall). This administration have let the wolves into the hen house and now we're all paying for it.
George Bush and New Mexico republicans don't understand what governing is. The cowardly weak republicans idea of governing is to just give people tax cuts that way government doesn't have to provide a service.
Want proof? Look what New Mexico republican gubinatorial candaidate, j.r. damron told the Farmington Daily Times
"It's not the government's responsibility to take care of everybody"
And there's your sign.
They don't understand that leadership and governing is not cowardly calling for another tax cut. Here's a hint NM republicans, look up the word "Govern" in a dictionary, better yet I'll do it for you here:
Main Entry: gov·ern
Pronunciation: 'g&-v&rn
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French governer,
1 a : to exercise continuous sovereign authority over; especially : to control and direct the making and administration of policy in
The problem is this administration and NM republicans only know how to use the words leadership and govern in the descriptive sense. At least they know what a noun is but No Child Left Behind is for another day.
The irony of this pathetic stunt is that their all alone in the wilderness calling for this. Not even the Tax Cutter in Chief is proposing a cut in the gas tax.
The AP reported today that as lawmakers grapple with ways to make oil prices more palatable to the
general public...
Cutting gasoline taxes is not a good way for
the country to deal with soaring energy prices, President Bush's top
economist said Tuesday.
And why not? Well bush's economic advisors details
- "One of the things we worry about when we cut the tax on gasoline is that it basically stimulates additional use,"
- "Over a longer period of time, it would be a significant problem ...
because what it would do is it would encourage us to use more oil, not
less and that is the way we got to the situation right now,"
- (Are Tax Cuts) the best way to be using our tax revenues[tax cuts]? Is it the most efficient way to allocate our resources?
This is what governing is about, asking questions, answering them, and then deciding on the best course of action based on:
Is it good for New Mexico or the country?
Not the corporations or China who we've sold out to. America is waking up to this and their doing so by saying not to republican led gas tax rebates that make a mockery of respect for the citizens of this country.
Even the leader of the r.n.c. knows this
According to an e-mail from the Evans Novak Political Report:
"RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman met with
Republican members of Congress this week to impress upon them just how
bad the opinion polls are looking for them, and warning that they face
a possible catastrophe in November.
1) This warning contributed to GOP determination to pass a tax
reconciliation bill that will extend the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts beyond
their current expiration dates at the end of the decade."
Their going to rob and plunder our future away until their kicked out of power and in a very forward thinking kind of way. When Democrats take over Congress their going to have to clean up the mess they made and they may have to reverse those tax cuts.
Just remember that, republicans control every branch of government at the Federal level and we see the proof of it every single day.